Erfurt Cathedral Square

Stage with changing performances

Erfurt Cathedral Square with Erfurt Cathedral.

It is difficult to simply see the cathedral square in Erfurt as a square. Rather, it is shaped by the numerous events that take control of it. Sometimes it is the location of the cathedral stage festival, sometimes it is a rock arena, and then it mutates into a wine mile. At the end of the year it becomes a Christmas market and in spring it becomes a trade fair center.

Actually, things are always being built up, dismantled and rebuilt.

Seating for a party on Erfurt Cathedral Square.

The cathedral square is a stage which consists of a large square with two permanently installed attractions.

One is the Minerva Fountain…

The Minerva fountain on the cathedral square in Erfurt.

...on its south side. A real fountain where there is water:

Faucet at the Minerva Fountain on Erfurt Cathedral Square.

Minerva is a Roman goddess. It stands for science, trade and crafts. In short, for everything that made Erfurt rich and prosperous when the fountain was built in 1784.

In addition to the Minerva Fountain, which is moved every now and then and has only been in its current location since 1976, the other attraction has adorned the cathedral square since 1777: the Erthal Obelisk.

This is an 18 meter high homage from the citizens of the time to Archbishop Friedrich Karl Joseph Reichsfreiherr von Erthal.

The Erthal Obelisk on Erfurt Cathedral Square.

As Elector of Mainz and therefore ruler of the Erfurts, he was probably very popular with the citizens. Otherwise they would not have placed such an expensive object on the most important square in the city.

And so back to this one. The cathedral square is enormous for a medieval city. These were not planned, but are due to the effects of war.

In 1813, the Prussians, Russians and Austrians shelled the Petersberg fortress, where the French had entrenched themselves. The former Severiviertel, which was in the firing line, was also destroyed and not rebuilt.

You can still see today where the old cathedral square ends and the former residential area begins:

Cathedral square in Erfurt with different floor coverings.

On the left is the old cathedral square, paved in medieval times. On the right is the added room with modern flooring.


For visitors to Cathedral Square, the floor covering plays a relatively minor role. However, the square between the old town and the cathedral plays an outstanding role as a venue for markets, festivals and concerts in Erfurt's economic, cultural and social life.

Also the development of the square...

Medieval buildings on Erfurt Cathedral Square.

...only really comes into its own thanks to the given space. The location at the foot of the Erfurt cathedral hill allows us to conclude: The cathedral square in Erfurt is one of the most beautiful places

a) Thuringia.

b) Germany.

c) the world.


Dear visitors to this article, you can decide for yourself.

Erfurt Cathedral Square with a view of the medieval buildings in the east.