Two years of vanlife

Katharina and Andy on a world tour


Maybe goodbye

Katharina and Andy say goodbye and leave Erfurt. They want to live in their bus for the next two years. Full time vanlife. They broke up their apartment in Erfurt and left important things with their parents.


Andy and Katharina Gross moving out of their apartment in Erfurt.

Two years of vacation in your early thirties? It's not that simple. Of course, it has a lot to do with vacation when two people chug around the world in a bus for two years. For Katharina and Andy, it's about consistently continuing their previous activities. The common worker probably gets confused here. What activity on earth can lead to a vacation of such length?

On the road as a brand ambassador

The explanation is provided by the vehicle that will accommodate and transport the two of them.

The Veo Van Grand Escape 4x4 for Katharina and Andy's trip around the world.

This bus is an extension of the company VEO Vans from Erfurt, which was founded and built up a few years ago by?…- Katharina and Andy. Today you have sold your company and are working as brand ambassadors for the products you created. So it makes perfect sense to drive around for two years. With a third of the cost of living that would be expected for such a life compared to a “normal” life, this is a very affordable project. Okay, there will be a few euros saved on top of that.

As a brand ambassador, it is important to be online while on the go. There is an antenna on the bus and a router in the bus, which means that internet is available everywhere.

Campernet internet solution for Camping Antretter and Huber.

The vehicle also offers everything else you need for life on the road.

Implement your own mission

The itinerary is divided into two sections. In the first year we go to the south of Europe and then back up the Atlantic coast to Bremerhaven. There the bus is shipped to Halifax/Canada to cross the American continent. The destination is Vancouver. Then we head south again along the Panamericana. The two are accompanied by their male Labrador Buddy and the will to experience new things. In doing so, they only implement the mission that they had when building their company: to make the special experiences that life in a van offers possible for others. Will the whole thing lead to the two of them coming back to Erfurt? They don't know. They're gone for now.

Veo Van starts the world tour from Erfurt with Andy and Katharina Gross.


