Photo: Theresa Kroemer/ Erfurt city administration

Final workshop

How should Erfurt's nightlife be designed in the future? In order to find an answer to this question together with the various actors and citizens, the city administration has started a participation process. The final workshop will take place on August 21st from 4:00 p.m. to 7:15 p.m. in the House of Social Services, to which all interested parties are invited - even if they have not yet taken part.

 Three workshops have already taken place in April, May and June. Three workshops have already taken place in April, May and June, bringing together representatives of the night-time economy, users of nightlife and representatives of the city administration. The results will be presented in the final workshop, prioritized together and converted into measures to further develop Erfurt's nightlife.

After a review of the previous workshops, the collected results and measures will be presented. In the subsequent interactive part, participants can actively participate in the evaluation of the measures. After a break with snacks and drinks, there will be an exchange with Kristin Marosi, the coordinator of Leipzig's nightlife. The workshop ends with the presentation of the live drawings by graphic designer Stefan Kowalczyk. The workshop will be led by Kordula Kunert and co-moderator Lea Hinze.

is required by August 18th by email to

The “Erfurt Nightlife” participation process aims to capture the different perspectives of citizens as well as various stakeholders and interest groups and to use them for the future design of Erfurt’s nightlife. A final report will be presented to the city administration and the city council on October 30th in the Erfurtkultur store.

Source: Press releases from the state capital Erfurt