Why smart Erfurters hike in Bad Blankenburg

Ducal hunting grounds, Swiss houses and a great river

Why go to Schwarzatal?

For us Erfurters, flatlands and hills are the defining landscape. Our mountain is the Haarberg, which is just 441 meters high. The Gera winds through the flat land.

Schwarzatal in the Thuringian Forest,
on the other hand, is completely different This deep valley, which is a good 50 kilometers long, has cut deep into the mountains. The valley offers a beautiful river - the Schwarza - numerous viewpoints, an impressive castle, meadows and forests and small towns. The Oberweißbacher Bergbahn is known as an attraction for young and old. The Schwarzatal is easy to reach from Erfurt: a good 50 minutes by car, and it doesn't take any longer by train: the Erfurter Bahn runs every hour via Arnstadt and Paulinzella to Rottenbach. There we go directly to the Schwarzatalbahn, which takes us via Schwarzburg to Katzhütte in just a few minutes.

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The clear water of the Schwarza accompanies us on the second half of this tour

It starts at the chrysoprase weir

This weir with the strange name marks the entrance to the Schwarzatal. Renovated in 2020, the water of the Schwarza jumps wildly or gently over the two steps, depending on the water level and the season. In summer it is a popular place to refresh and splash around. In winter, with a bit of luck, you will be able to take a photo of the icy waterfalls.
By the way, the name “Chrysoprase Weir” comes from the time the weir was being built. At the beginning of the 19th century, a search was made for the semi-precious stone chrysoprase near today's weir, but without success. Nevertheless, this term was transferred to the weir and is still called that today.
And this is exactly where the hiking car park is – which is free, by the way – where our tour starts. If you arrive by train, it takes a good quarter of an hour to stroll from the train station through the partially shaded spa gardens to the parking lot.

The chrysoprase weir in Bad Blankenburg
Splashing and swimming: The chrysoprase weir is the ideal place to cool off on hot days. The hiking car park is only a few meters away.

Off to the “Eberstein” hunting lodge

We decided on a 12 kilometer long circular route, which initially leads a little uphill. Along the Wehrebach we go to the Wildgatter. Although nothing of this can be seen anymore, we now know that the game was kept here for the ducal hunt. The stream itself has an impressive riverbed with rocks and ferns. But the water itself only flows into the valley in thin trickles, at least in the rainless summer of 2022.

After a few hundred meters, the sight of the former ducal mini-hunting lodge “Eberstein” makes up for this. First we pass the remains of the old horse stable before the castle itself comes into view.

Hiking sign at the Eberstein hunting lodge
We are located above the Schwarza Valley between Bad Blankenburg and Schwarzburg
Remains of the horse stable at the Eberstein hunting lodge
The remains of the horse stable are the first to come into view. A few meters further the tiny hunting lodge “Eberstein” awaits us.
View of the Eberstein hunting lodge
It was built in 1844 and was in use until the Dukes of Schwarzburg abdicated in 1918. Eberstein was built in the style of a Moorish ruin. The tower-like building still seems to be in pretty good shape. You can't get into the building; but a bench with a roof invites you to take a break. So first rest a little and enjoy what the backpack has to offer. The view wanders along the steep slopes of the Schwarza Valley to Bad Blankenburg.

To the refuge at the “Dürren Schild”

Let's continue: The path continues to meander along the mountainside without any major inclines. To the left on the steep slope there are numerous slate rocks and ferns. To the right, down the valley, is the typical mixed forest of oaks, mountain ash, larch and pine. At “Potsdamer Platz”, a large intersection of several forest paths, we are not yet lured by the sign to the “Swiss House”. We first want to get to the “Dürren Schild”, a good kilometer further. There is a cozy refuge right there with a view of the valley. Rest a little, eat a little something. If only it weren't for that annoying wasp. Oh well.

Schwarzatal hunting lodge Eberstein wall remains_erfurt
Further remains of the wall are tempting to explore along the way. Ferns, oaks and mixed forest all around. 
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The “Dürres Schild” refuge is a welcome resting place
Hiking rest at the refuge
Hiking rest at the refuge

The Schweizerhaus: caffeine and friendly hosts

After a short descent through spruce forest and raspberry vines, we land directly at the Schweizerhaus. I have known this restaurant since I was a child. The last 30 years have seen several changes of ownership and several years of vacancy. There has been a new owner family since this year. What can I say? Very friendly hosts, delicious cakes and a small menu to start with. Wonderful. We filled up with much-needed coffee, after seven kilometers the caffeine level had dropped far below normal ????.

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You can always enjoy a piece of cake while hiking! Our mascot Rüdi also thinks so.
Schwarzatal cake in the Schweizerhaus_erfurt

Along the Schwarza

The next six kilometers are easy. On the right bank of the river we share the path with several cyclists and a few other hikers. The river babbles quietly, the birds sing. Only the street with the cars and loud motorcycles on the other side of the river disturbs the idyll. But you can't have everything. In some places we leave the path and climb down the embankment to the Schwarza. Put your feet in the water, take photos of ducks or collect stones, it's all easy.

Where the rock walls are closer together, the river has done a great job. There are sanded areas and the “swirl pots”. These are circular washouts that the river water has created over millions of years. Schwarza changes her face many times. Sometimes it flows broadly and without any noticeable current, sometimes it jumps around stone in small rapids. A little further on, with all the water grass, it almost looks like the edge of a swamp area. After a good hour we reach the hiking car park again. It's really full on Sunday afternoons. People from toddlers to grandpas have fun in the water at the weir. For us, the tour ends here: 13 kilometers and a good 18,000 steps are on the clock. That fits.

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The strudel pots on the Schwarza

Schwarzatal impressions

And here are a few more pictures to click through...


We really enjoyed the tour. Varied and with a restaurant in half. Unfortunately, that is not typical for the Thuringian Forest. The hunting facility is worth seeing and you are pretty much alone for the first half of the way. The second half of the hike – along the river – is just fun; even with children. Who doesn't like playing in the water? So let’s head to Bad Blankenburg!

Addendum: 3 insider tips for the journey home

Anyone who drives back to Erfurt by car and races along the main road is missing something.
Better drive via Rottenbach and Stadtilm, we have a few great tips:

The BahnHofladen in Rottenbach

A farm shop in the train station, also open on weekends. Ice cream in a waffle or as an Eisbacher, a good selection of cakes and coffee are welcome in the afternoon. There is also fruit and regional beer, apple juice, jams and spices. Most of it made in Thuringia. Be sure to take a look!

The monastery ponds in Paulinzella

Shortly before Paulinzella, the sign beckons you to the “Paulinzella Monastery Ponds”. This isn't just a fishing park. The friendly team sells delicious fish sandwiches and smoked fish . Even on Sundays!

The church in Stadtilm

I admit that I only know the small town of Stadtilm from driving through it. But this time, while driving through the town, we noticed the church's double tower, which looks quite enormous. The church is somewhat hidden behind the second row of houses; So we had to stop and get out. It was worth it. The church is larger than one would expect in this small town and is architecturally impressive. Renovations are apparently underway, but they will probably take decades: But the short detour to the church is still worth it.