The tower of the Ägidienkirche Erfurt

The best view of the old town


There is no shortage of towers in Erfurt. Not even on church towers. But the tower of the Ägidenkirche on Wenigemarkt has two special features: it is accessible to a wide audience. Almost every day. And: It is located in the heart of the old town directly on the Krämerbrücke. There is no better way to see the historical core of Erfurt.

There were two churches on the Krämerbrücke until the 19th century. Although located at this important building in the city, the people of Erfurt are not really kind to these places of worship. The Aegis Church is luckier than its counterpart on the west side of the famous bridge. The Benedictine Church there was robbed of its bells in 1802, partially demolished and completely disappeared from the cityscape in 1895.

The Aegis Church seemed to face a similar fate when it was sold in 1827. It has no longer served as a church since 1615. A warehouse, a shop on the ground floor and probably also a residential building have been their functions over the centuries when the United Methodist Church acquired the building in 1957. After a long interruption, there is once again a place of worship on the eastern part of the Krämerbrücke.

Chancel of the Evangelical Methodist Aegidienkirche Erfurt scaled_erfurtAnd it is probably thanks to this acquisition that the church tower still exists today.

The entrance to the tower is via the church chancel on the first floor of the building. Simply head for the Krämerbrücke from the Wenigemarkt and then follow the sign to the left.

Entrance to the Aegidienkirche Erfurt tower via the Kraemerbruecke scaled_erfurt

Then it goes up in different stages inside the tower.

Staircase Aegidienkirche Erfurt to the top of the tower scaled_erfurt

The bells of the church, which are located about halfway to the top, are also worth seeing.

Bells Aegidienturm Erfurt scaled_erfurt

At some point we go outside. The goal is here in a narrow corridor that surrounds the top of the tower in a square. Now the old town lies at the viewer's feet, so to speak

Wenigemarkt and Futterstrasse Erfurt from the tower of the Aegidienkirche scaled_erfurt

in all four directions. Here is the view to the west towards Erfurt Cathedral Hill:

Erfurt Cathedral and Severi seen from the tower of the Aegidienkirche scaled_erfurt

We could now show the other cardinal points. But we don't want to reveal everything, except: The donation to climb the tower is definitely worth it.


The tower of the Ägidienkirche is the place to overlook the old town of Erfurt. There is an advantage compared to viewing points such as the Tannenwäldchen or the Petersberg: the tower offers a view “of the old town” and not just “of the old town”.

