Johannesfeld district park

Attractive place not just for people


needs of a young audience

The Johannesfeld district park, located on Eislebener Straße, was launched in the mid-2010s. A significant part of the site was previously used by the tram depot. Since it now requires less space, it is decided to redesign the entire area. A modern residential area is being built to the east of the park. Many people probably still remember the barracks of the admissions office, which retained a touch of the post-reunification period into the 21st century. Now everything shines in new splendor.

Modern benches in the Johannesvorstadt district park on Lassalle Street in Erfurt.

The park itself is one of the smaller green spaces in Erfurt. As with any park, an open area forms the basis. In addition to a spacious meadow with a few trees, the area is decorated with bushes and hedges.

Ornamental shrubs in Johannesfeld Park in the Johannesvorstadt Erfurt.

In addition, the district park is equipped with a playground and a skating rink to meet the needs of a young audience.

The Johannesfeld district park with a skate rink, playground and meadow in the Johannesvorstadt Erfurt, the state capital of Thuringia.

New target group

The playground offers a solid infrastructure: swings, climbing frames and plenty of seating ensure carefree play opportunities without sensory overload.

Playground in the Johannesfeld district park of Erfurt with a climbing frame and swing.

The skating rink, on the other hand, has higher demands. Until the railway opens in Nordpark, this facility is considered the most modern in Erfurt. With its challenging course, it still enjoys great popularity in the Erfurt skater scene.

The skate rink in Johannesfeld Erfurt Nord in the Johannesvorstadt district of the state capital Erfurt.

The park's newest target group are bees. A piece of meadow is specially reserved for these insects to provide them with a place to live between the houses and streets of the city. This means that the Johannesfeld district park is an attractive place not only for the human residents, but also for nature.

Design in the Corkscrew Erfurt wine shop on the Long Bridge in the old town.


The Johannesfeld district park is one of the few green spaces for residents of Johannesvorstadt and partly also of Krämpfervorstadt. With a playground and skating rink, it addresses the needs of small children and their relatives as well as young people. The system dates from the mid-2010s. In the northern part of the park there are trees that provide shade in summer.



