Walk through the meadow hill in Erfurt

It is also possible without a car


Street scene Wiesenhügel Erfurt

The Wiesenhügel is a separate district of Erfurt. That's a little surprising because it's quite small. Although in terms of population, some districts of Erfurt are much smaller.

It doesn't matter for a walk. What matters is where you start. There is a parking space right at the beginning, just behind the junction from Kranichfelder Straße. And that brings us to the first topic. The meadow hill was probably designed as a feel-good place for drivers. On the main street of the district

The street Am Wiesenhügel is the main street in the Wiesenhügel district in Erfurt

Streets called “Am Wiesenhügel” branch off and are actually parking spaces:

Street structure Wiesenhügel Erfurt. The streets are designed as parking spaces

These then often end in a loop,

Loop at the end of a street in the Wiesenhuegel Erfurt

to avoid annoying reversing. These are American conditions in the state capital.

Despite this car-friendliness, we move through the district on foot. It quickly becomes clear: humans, as carless creatures, were also taken into account during the planning. There is a network of footpaths through the district, where even those unfamiliar with the area can get lost.

A lonely footpath leads through the Wiesenhügel district in Erfurt

Whether out of ignorance or local knowledge, walkers quickly find themselves wandering along enchanted paths,

Enchanted path with a gate on the meadow hill in Erfurt

which then lead to places like these:

View from the Wiesenhuegel Erfurt nature reserve to the Herrenberg

A meadow with a view. This shows up again and again when walking through the meadow hill.

View of the cathedral from the Wiesenhuegel Erfurt

A higher percentage of residents probably enjoy a view of the cathedral here than in Erfurt's old town...

We continue up the hill

A staircase leads up the meadow hill. State capital Erfurt.

and then another peculiarity of this small district becomes apparent: behind the last balcony

At Wiesenhuegel in Erfurt, nature begins on the balcony.

it goes straight into nature.

Into nature on the Wiesenhuegel Erfurt

We're heading back. Time for a few basic thoughts.


Most of the housing stock consists of prefabricated buildings from the 1980s. Nonetheless

New things have also been added in recent years:

New and old buildings on the Wiesenhuegel Erfurt

The district dates back to a time when a lot of space was deliberately given to automobiles.

Nevertheless, it works without it. The Wiesenhügel is by tram

Tram at the final stop Wiesenhuegel in Erfurt

well connected to the city center.

Finally, the following observation:

Cars with exhausts stand on the sidewalk on the Wiesenhuegel Erfurt.

Are the cars parked there correctly?

Please send answers/opinions to: redaktion@ich-liebe-erfurt.de