Summer in Erfurt

On the trail of the summer feeling


People in a summery atmosphere at the Krämerbrücke in Erfurt

Summer in the city is a popular phenomenon. Often presented in English, an atmosphere is evoked that could also be found in Erfurt...

“Hot town summer in the city, tralalala”. On the sunny side of Magdeburger Allee, you quickly lose your sense of happy music. It's too hot.

Erfurt Magdeburger Allee. The thermometer shows 39 degrees.

The Nordpark promises a more pleasant climate. But the heat also takes its toll here:

The skate rink

The skate rink in Nordpark Erfurt. At temperatures around 40 degrees without skaters.

is empty. Likewise the otherwise well-attended basket/football field.

Basketball and soccer field in Nordpark Erfurt.

Human voices only come from the Nordbad. The water pools are full, as is the lawn, and crowds are piling up in front of the slide to get into the cooling water.

There is a huge crowd at the slide in Nordbad Erfurt.

So it's that summer feeling here. At least for those who have free time.

However, many also carry out their work at high temperatures. For example, there is no heat amnesty for illegal parking.

A towing service for an illegal parker in downtown Erfurt.

And so there are also people who have to load their cars and take them out of the city center. So normal everyday life.

This apparently also prevails on the Anger. The fact that the city has a special summer feeling becomes very clear at second glance:

Two men splash around in the Angerbrunnen Erfurt in high temperatures.

An exception you will say.

These splashers do not represent the normal people of Erfurt.

There is no hot town summer feeling in Erfurt?


Okay…. we still have one:

Erfurt summer. Smoke break in the Breitstrom at the Schlösserbrücke.


Here a citizen takes his smoke break in the Breitsstrom near the Schlösserbrücke...

But yes. That's it for the special summer feeling in the city.

We're leaving a little too early. We probably have to wait until the evening for the Erfurt summer feeling.


“Hot town tralala” – then we go to the bathroom first.

Entrance Nordbad in Erfurt