Decorate Heldrungen

Nature experience with forest and views


Numerous ways to achieve the goal

There are two decorations in Thuringia. Or is it called jewelry? One is a settlement in the Thuringian Forest, the other a ridge in the north of the Thuringian Basin. We'll take a closer look at the latter in this article. Our explorations start in Beichlingen. There are plenty of parking spaces here and Beichlingen Castle is a destination worth seeing. Due to its size, the area is suitable for hiking. Of course you can also cycle there, but a purely decorative tour is quickly over.

The Schmücke is a ridge on the northern edge of the Thuringian Basin near Beichlingen.

We hike a loop north of Beichlingen on a tour that mostly leads through forest, but towards the end also over open fields. From Beichlingen Castle

Entrance with coat of arms and saying at Beichlingen Castle on the Schmücke in Thuringia.

It goes up to the ridge of the Schmücke. This shows the numerous possibilities for achieving the first goal. Do I take a look at the area of ​​the former Monraburg, do I stick to a well-developed main path or do I take one of the smaller paths that run through the sometimes dense forest?

The path to the ridge of the Schmücke, a ridge in the north of the Thuringian Basin near Beichlingen.

Once at the top we turn west. Next destination: The Künzelsberg. At 380 meters the highest point of the hike. Anyone who expects a viewing tower here, perhaps even with a barn to stop off at, will be disappointed. There is also no bank. And that brings us to the point of talking about the degree of tourist development of this beauty: the paths are well signposted, grass paths are mown and there is a bench here and there, but: who wants something special in addition to the natural experience with the forest and views If you need it, you won't find it here. In such a case, we recommend e.g. suspension rope bridge on the Hohe Schrecke a little further north .

Always new prospects

Anyone who continues with us will be rewarded with a wonderful view of the Harz Mountains.

View from the Schmücke near Hauteroda to the southern Harz in spring.

The ridge path here is partly just a path and in winter certainly allows more space for views into the distance. But even when the trees are densely green, there are always new views. We leave the mountain trail before the western part of the ridge. This is called the “Kahle Schmücke” and ends at the Unstrut near Sachsenburg. But that's too far for us.

Ridge path of the Schmücke on the northern edge of the Thuringian Basin near Harras towards Kahle Schmücke.

Before that we turn south and come to the forest-free part of the hike. Through old orchards we reach extensive fields on the southern edge of the Schmücke. Here again: Beautiful views, this time into the Thuringian Basin.

View of the Thuringian Basin near Beichlingen in the Sömmerda district on a spring day.

After 12 kilometers we reach our destination and starting point, Beichlingen.


We could have shortened or extended the tour in many ways. We really liked the mix of forest hikes and paths across open fields. Beichlingen can be reached from Erfurt in just over half an hour by car. Arriving by bike is also possible. A good route leads from Sömmerda along the Unstrut cycle path and is approx. 40 km long. Our tip: Leave the Unstrut cycle path at the railway crossing before Griefstedt in the direction of Schillingstedt (well-developed dirt road) and from there cycle along the little-used K 521 to Beichlingen. A hybrid journey by train/bicycle is also possible via the Erfurt-Sangerhausen route and can be done, for example. B. be considered for the return journey. If you want to reach Beichlingen by public transport from Erfurt, you have to plan very carefully, but it's also possible.

Be that as it may, anyone who simply enjoys simple things will find something like this there.

A beech tree with a strong branch on the Schmücke near Beichlingen in Thuringia on the northern edge of the Thuringian Basin


