Belvedere Palace near Weimar

Castle, park and forest

Belvedere Palace is located south of Weimar. The complex, built in the first half of the 18th century, is located on a hill about 5 km from the city center.

Complex because there is not only a castle to admire here, but also an extensive park that merges into a forest.



There is also the Schloss Belvedere music high school and a Soviet cemetery on site.


Entrance with gate at the Soviet Cemetery at Belvedere Palace near Weimar



Belvedere Palace near Weimar can be reached by car from Erfurt via Autobahn 4 in just over 30 minutes. By public transport it takes around 50 minutes from Erfurt main station by train and bus to your destination. Bicycle also works. E.g. Via the Thuringian chain of cities to Weimar and then via Belvederer Allee to the castle of the same name.

We particularly liked the many beautiful trees in the park:

Tree in the Belvedere Weimar Palace Park.