Square of Peoples' Friendship Erfurt

Monumental not yet finished


Friendship between peoples will be brought out again with the renovation

Rieth is a district that was created during the GDR era. As with the neighboring residential areas of Berliner Platz and Moscow Square, Rieth also has a center: the Platz der Völkerfreundschaft. There are shops, leisure facilities and various prefabricated buildings around this square. The area has changed in recent years. The now renovated high-rise buildings on the northeast side of the square still look like this in 2014:

Unrenovated point high buildings in the Erfurt district of Rieth 2014.

A home for pigeons in houses that seem to be waiting to be demolished. Things turn out differently. The high-rise buildings are inhabited by people again. And investments are also being made in other corners. The fountain on the south side will be completely redesigned in 2019. From a purely external point of view, the building has so far survived well into the new era, as a photograph from 2016 shows:

Fountain from the GDR period on the International Understanding Square in Erfurt Rieth before the renovation.

But the technology inside is simply gone after 40 years. The friendship between peoples is also emphasized again with the renovation: Erfurt's twin cities can be found around the fountain, which now consists of several fountains.

Fountain at the Square of International Understanding in Erfurt Rieth after the renovation.

Tidy and modern

But what makes the square special is the monumental mural by the Erfurt artist Erich Enge. This winds around the former residential area center over a length of 106 meters. The somewhat unwieldy title “The idea becomes material violence when it seizes the masses” refers to the hope for a better world associated with the October Revolution of 1917. The construction of socialism as a path of love.

Detail of the mural "The idea becomes material violence when it seizes the masses" by Erich Enge in the Rieth district of Erfurt.

Of course, the painting is in the context of the raison d'état of the time. But even if this has changed, it is worth taking a closer look at what the artist, who died at the end of 2023, left us.

Detail of the mural by Erich Enge in the Rieth Erfurt at the People's Friendship Square.

With a food market and the shops of the Vilnius Passage, the square also has the shopping opportunities necessary for a city center. The renovated part of the square appears tidy and modern.

Square of the Friendship of Nations Southern part in Erfurt Rieth.

Positive development

This doesn't apply to the square's landmark. The bell tower with clock was not in good condition at the beginning of 2024.

Bell tower at Vilnius Erfurt Rieth in February 2024 with Peoples' Friendship Square.

However, the last few years have shown that the center of the Rieth district has potential. Private and public investments have enhanced the place of international friendship. A development that will hopefully continue.

People's Friendship Square Erfurt Rieth with Vilnius Passage in summer.


