Park guides as a solution to conflicts in the parks

Erfurt's parks are popular places to stay for young and old. In the most recent committee for public order, safety, local districts and volunteerism, a possible solution to the conflicts that have been simmering in Erfurt's parks for years has now been presented.

Wherever people meet, there are larger and smaller usage conflicts. The city administration repeatedly received complaints from residents about disturbing the peace and quiet in the parks at night. Everyone is entitled to a night's rest after 10 p.m. But what should you do if the partying is too loud? “We want to take new approaches to conflict management in Erfurt and thus contribute to calming the parks at night,” says Andreas Horn, councilor for safety, environment and sport.

The Feuer & Flamme office was commissioned to create a concept. When implemented, the problem should be solved satisfactorily for all parties. The committee has now presented a good approach for discussion with the users of the green spaces. Karsten Melang from the Feuer & Flamme office explained how we can work together to ensure more peace and understanding in the parks.

As early as 2022, there was a participation process in cooperation between the Department of Safety, Environment and Sport and BÄMM, the participation structure in the city of Erfurt. The information and suggestions provided there have been incorporated into the concept that is now available. “We would like to thank the young people for their perseverance and the many shared ideas and suggested solutions,” said BÄMM speaker Vanessa Blödorn.

The groups of celebrants are diverse and meet spontaneously in the city. The solution must therefore look just as agile. In the future, the mobile Erfurt guides – as the working title is – will come into contact with all users in groups of three during the night. These are then the contact persons on site. They help preventively in dangerous situations, support those affected, and offer assistance in various situations - if necessary, also with pocket ashtrays, garbage bags and knockout drop checks.

The garden and cemetery office also very much welcomes the project and relies on social control and amicable solutions wherever possible. “Our employees would rather focus on making our green spaces more beautiful than spend a lot of time cleaning up the residue left by night-time use,” says Stephan Wunder, head of the area management department.

After the budget is confirmed, a call for tenders will be made so that a pilot project for two years can be started in the summer of 2024.

Incidentally, a binding name for the park patrol will be sought shortly. Anyone with good suggestions can take part. There will be a separate call for this in the coming days.


Source: Press releases from the state capital Erfurt