Photo: Angerbrunnen with water/archive I love Erfurt


Actually, it should have been bubbling long ago - the New Angerbrunnen in front of the Anger 1 department store. Now it is clear: the fountain, which was completed in 1982, will no longer be in operation this year.

Defects in the structure were discovered at the beginning of the year. After the successful structural testing and the necessary sealing of the concrete parts, commissioning should take place in July. During the final technical inspection of the pump systems, which can only be carried out when the pool is full, various defects occurred in the filter and circulation pumps. During the inspection, a specialist company discovered that both pumps were a total loss and needed to be replaced. “Since pumps like this are not stock items, they are associated with long delivery times,” says garden department manager Dr. Sascha Döll. Now the pumps are here - and cannot be installed due to transport damage. “This makes it clear that despite regular maintenance and pump checks, unforeseeable problems can still arise that endanger traffic safety in the well area or preclude commissioning,” says Döll.

Basically, the city's fountains are all of an advanced age. For half a year, the structures are exposed to standing water and the necessary added ingredients such as chorides, defoaming agents or hydrogen peroxides. “In the long term, this seriously affects not only the building structure, but also the technology,” said the garden department manager. “Inspections and maintenance measures must be planned for the long term.” Personnel reasons also influence the commissioning of the Erfurt fountains: Only two employees of the office are on duty every day from May to October to check and maintain the 26 municipal fountains.

Source: Press releases from the state capital Erfurt