Photo: Meerkat offspring/Thuringian Zoopark Erfurt

Open whether male or female

The meerkat queen Khari and her chosen one, King Qaiser, are currently raising their second cub together. They kept the carers and visitors waiting for more than a year until another offspring appeared - and again it is an only child. The young animal can now be seen at the facility every day.
The nursing team had already suspected that there would be offspring. Unlike usual, not all animals were present at feeding time. Apparently there were babysitters at work. The young animals are born in underground sleeping caves; they are born naked and blind. While the mother eats, an adult is always with the young animals and watches over them. The little meerkat was spotted by the keepers for the first time three weeks ago. It has now left the cave. The young animal, which is now curiously exploring its environment, has not yet been caught for a veterinary check. It is also unclear whether it is a male or a female.
The cub will live in the group as long as he is tolerated by his mother Khari. Since meerkats live in a strict regime, only the royal couple is allowed to have young animals. The remaining members of the family clan are helpers at the nest and important for the safety of the group. All adult meerkats are allowed to look after the young animals, which they do devotedly. In addition, one or more animals always stand guard to warn the group of potential enemies.

Source: Thuringian Zoopark Erfurt