Photo: Handover of the booklet at the Moritzschule/Stadtwerke Erfurt, Steve Bauerschmidt

The first full week of school is almost over. The Stadtwerke Erfurt, together with other supporters, made it easier for Erfurt's first graders to enter a new phase of life with the “Möhrchenheft”.
“More than 400 of the special homework books have been distributed to 25 primary and community schools as well as support centers in Erfurt since school started a week ago with financial support from SWE. The free homework books are appreciated by the students and they also provide additional information. We have e.g. B. have a seed paper bookmark inserted as SWE's educational communication. Not only do many colorful flowers grow from it. The insert for the school books also draws attention to the paper competition that the Stadtwerke Erfurt has been organizing for 20 years and in which this year children from 88 institutions collected around 132 tons of waste paper," says Annett Nippold, responsible for the Stadtwerke's educational communication special campaign that was carried out for the 18th time at the start of school.

Source: Stadtwerke Erfurt