With ideas for new greenery

Tree sponsorships for the Thuringian Forest

Most of us have already noticed that the Thuringian Forest is not doing so well. Large clearcuts are increasingly shaping the landscape. Huge piles of felled trees along the way sing the song of the bark beetle. 

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Spruce monoculture has so far characterized our forests. What looked good in forest photos in previous years can have little effect on the printing press and other forest pests due to climate change and increasing drought.

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There has to be a change. But how? 

The two young Thuringians Martin Zink from Ohrdruf and Curtis Schüssler from Erfurt-Hochheim had an idea like this.

Curtis explains the idea: “Really quite simple. We bring together people who want to do something for the forest with private forest owners, foresters and tree nurseries.”

That’s why the two “tree sponsors” sought contact with the Thuringian Forest Owners Association and the project took shape. In 2022, in addition to their full-time jobs, the two founded the company “Baumpaten Thüringen”. It became a company because the necessary bureaucratic processes can be organized better in a company than, for example, in a club. 

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Martin Zink and Curtis Schüssler in their favorite place: in the forest.
Photo: Wolfram Schubert

How does a tree sponsorship work?

Smaller private forest owners in particular are desperately looking for help with the mammoth task of reforesting areas damaged by beetles. They are obliged by the state to do so. They provide fenced areas. The tree sponsors give away seedlings to the forest owners so that new forest can emerge on these areas. The tree sponsors take care of the planting. The forest owners take over the further care of the young trees. This helps everyone, but especially the forest.

Who pays for the seedlings?

The seedlings are sponsored by both private individuals and companies as part of a tree sponsorship. This tree sponsorship makes a good private gift for any occasion. Companies use the appeal of the company forest they have planted themselves for their marketing and do good at the same time. 

Are the trees only on paper?

Of course not. In contrast to many other PR-heavy environmental projects, the hoe is actually used twice a year during planting campaigns in Thuringia. All tree sponsors can take part in the organized planting activities and plant their own trees themselves. Every spring and autumn the seedlings move into their new home with lots of fun, conversations and a bratwurst. The first tree sponsor forests are already growing near Dermbach and Tiefenort on the edge of the Rhön and in Remptendorf in eastern Thuringia.

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Pictures of the planting campaign in spring 2023 in the forest between Tiefenort and Dermbach in the Rhön. Photo: Wolfram Schubert

Which tree species should defy climate change in Thuringia?

Diversity instead of monoculture is the motto in the new forest. A colorful mix of English oaks, Douglas firs, silver firs, European beeches, sycamore maples and bird cherry should grow into a permanent mixed forest.


Taking part is very easy

Tree sponsorships with letters and seals can be purchased on the website https://baumpate-thueringen.de/ In other words, different tree packages with a certificate and a seed card for even more green. And of course, Curtis and Martin are happy to receive inquiries from companies that want to get involved on a larger scale. Because a company forest like this is something very special!