Kurt Lochte shows the Rhön

Explore the Rhön in 3D


From Erfurt to the Rhön

Many people still know the programmer and enthusiastic photographer Kurt Lochte from his time in Erfurt. He has been at home in the Rhön for a few years. This low mountain range is located in the south of Thuringia and extends far into Hesse and Bavaria. From Erfurt you can reach the first foothills of this attractive cultural landscape in just over an hour by car.

3D photography & internet

To introduce his homeland, Kurt came up with a special idea: He photographs the striking points of the Rhön and puts them on the Internet in 3D format on the website https://www.rhoen3d.de . Visitors can explore the Rhön highlights in exciting 3D tours. The whole thing is technically complex, requires good planning and high-quality technology.

professional Nikon camera for creating 3D panoramas

The technology behind the 3D tours

Kurt Lochte takes four individual images with a high-resolution camera. These are combined into walkable 360° tours using special 3D software. Info cards with information about the motifs are included in the tours. This makes this type of presentation also interesting for advertisers.


A static photo on the Internet looks like this.

Photo of a building at the Bad Salzung graduation tower

Kurt Lochte invites you to interactive experiences https://rhoen-3d.de Here you can see the graduation tower in Bad Salzungen as an example.

The region's cultural institutions are particularly important to Kurt Lochte. This is no coincidence: he runs a gallery in his home town of Tann. In addition to his own works, other artists also exhibit there.