Watching cranes in Straußfurt

A natural spectacle at the gates of Erfurt


Every autumn, thousands of cranes gather at the retention basin near Straußfurt to begin their journey to warmer climes. This natural spectacle is not only fascinating for bird lovers, but also attracts numerous onlookers from the region. The migration of cranes is an impressive spectacle that can be experienced 20 kilometers from Erfurt.

The start of the crane migration south

With the onset of autumn, thousands of cranes leave their breeding grounds in northern Europe to spend the winter in warmer regions. Straußfurt becomes an important rest stop on this journey.

Cranes land at the Straussfurt reservoir to rest in the evening.

The cranes use the wide fields and floodplains in the area to rest and find food before continuing their journey. When the cranes from the area meet at the reservoir in the evening, there's really something going on:



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In the morning the same game: The birds fly in groups to the surrounding fields. The sound of their calls, which are a mixture of trumpets and coos, fills the air and will be remembered by every observer.

The best observation point

A popular place to watch the spectacle is the dam of the retention basin south of Straußfurt. From here there is a wide view over the lake, which is drained at this time of year. Visitors can experience the action without disturbing the shy animals.

Cranes in flight at the Straussfurt rest area in Thuringia.

Because: While the spectacle of the crane migration is undoubtedly fascinating, it is important to treat the birds with respect. Disturbances should be avoided to ensure that the cranes can rest without unnecessary stress. During the peak period of bird migration, observers from the NABU Crane Center are almost always on site. They are available to answer any questions or provide information about cranes.

A crane expert explains to visitors aspects of the crane migration in Straußfurt in the middle of Thuringia.


The migration of cranes in Straußfurt is not only an impressive natural spectacle, but also a testament to the fascinating wonders of the animal world. And the best thing about it: All of this takes place just outside Erfurt.


