Bernd das Brot, who can be found next to the Erfurt town hall, is going on vacation for around three weeks on Thursday, July 25th. Freshly recovered and with a new shine, the popular Kika figure will soon be available for everyone to see again.

Kastenbrot treats himself to a spa treatment

Bernd treats himself to some cosmetic repairs during his little break. After he has recharged his batteries, he is ready again for any photo requests. His colleagues Pittiplatsch and the Tigerente, who are just a breadcrumb throw away, take over his vacation duties. Bernd will not disappear without replacement - he will leave a small greeting at his location.

The idea of ​​setting up figures from the public children's television in Erfurt came about on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the Erfurt-based television station Kika in 2007 between the then program manager Frank Beckmann and the former mayor of the city of Erfurt, Andreas Bausewein. Mostly financed by private donations, 13 figure ensembles have already been set up throughout Erfurt.

In July 2007, Bernd the Bread, the first figure, found its place next to the town hall between the fish market and Benediktsplatz. Every day, numerous people, big and small, take photos of themselves with the popular loaf of bread. At some point, even the hardest bread will have problems - that's why it really deserves its treatment. So don't worry: Bernd wasn't kidnapped - he just had to get out.


Source: Press releases from the state capital Erfurt