An information terminal about the Heckelraum was set up in the entrance hall of the Angermuseum Erfurt. Navigating with their fingers on a touchscreen, visitors can access various information in German and English about the creation of the Heckelraum and the meaning of the murals that the Brücke expressionist Erich Heckel created between 1922 and 1924 and integrate them into their viewing of the include the original located in the immediate vicinity.

Rare work of art is explained digitally

“It is a very special work of art,” says Dr. Tobias J. Knoblich, Councilor for Culture, Urban Development and World Heritage. “There are hardly any murals by German Expressionists left. Heckel's murals are among the most important in Germany and have only been preserved because they were walled up during the Nazi era." The Angermuseum houses Erich Heckel's only surviving murals. “The information terminal now makes it possible to explore this work of art independently. That’s also necessary because it doesn’t explain itself,” says Knoblich.

The collector Hans-Joachim Würbach, who is closely associated with Erfurt and the state capital's art museum, provided the financial means for the purchase of the information terminal with touchscreen. Years ago it also made it possible to modernize the lighting technology in the rear room.

Erich Heckel put the final touches on the murals around 100 years ago, in January 1924. At the same time, he was already repairing the first damaged areas during this time.

Since their creation, the murals, executed using the secco technique, have been threatened by moisture rising in the masonry. Until 1931, the artist helped himself several times and renovated entire sections of the base area. The work to drain the walls of the Heckelraum, to secure the murals and to repair any damage that occurs continues to this day. For this purpose, special technology was installed under the floor of the room by 2010. In addition, restorers are always at work. A new restoration campaign will also take place in autumn/winter 2024 to renew the sacrificial or renovation plaster base and to repair any damage.

Source: Press releases from the state capital Erfurt