Photo: From left: Christian Wehr, Ralf Wenzel, Andreas Bausewein, Alexander Reintjes, Christian Häußler and Dietmar Schröter/ Erfurt city administration


Passers-by have been able to stroll through the Great Arch unhindered again for a few days now, and it has been officially opened today. Around fourteen months after the groundbreaking ceremony for the complex renovation, the section between Marktstrasse and the wedding house has now been “completely renovated”.

Complete renovation significantly upgrades the corridor to the wedding house

In the heart of Erfurt's old town, which already has renovated streets and sidewalks in large contiguous areas, the Great Arche was an unsightly exception: a poor structural condition, a patchwork of different materials and unevenness that increased the risk of stumbling.

The small medieval street has now developed into an attractive square that does justice to its role - also as an entrance to the Erfurt wedding house. The design is based on the already renovated areas in the city center, so that the Great Arch fits harmoniously into the cityscape. “A big thank you goes not only to everyone who was involved in the implementation, but above all to the residents as well as the local businesses and restaurateurs for their perseverance,” said Mayor Andreas Bausewein today upon the official release.

The complex construction project was quite impressive in terms of its planned scope - all supply and disposal media as well as telecommunications lines were relocated or replaced underground over a length of 80 meters and a width of up to 25 meters. The entire section of road was expanded to be level – i.e. without curbs. Only the different colors of the natural stone paving used separate the “road” from the “sidewalk”. The wedding house itself has been given new, barrier-free access - via a modern lift system. The well has a new foundation and new connections.

The lighting, which has also been renewed, offers a special eye-catcher: in front of the junction into Mettengasse, a light symbolizes two wedding rings connected to each other. In total, the city of Erfurt has invested around 1.1 million euros in the renovation of the Great Arche.

Source: Press releases from the state capital Erfurt