The Erfurter Tourismus- und Marketing GmbH (ETMG) and the city manager of the Erfurt city administration have evaluated the betting game for the past European Football Championship. The winners will be notified promptly.

The European Football Championship ended with the final between Spain and England. An intensive time with numerous public viewing opportunities for Erfurt restaurateurs, the accommodation of the English national team in Blankenhain and, last but not least, a visit by the English national player Jude Bellingham to a restaurant on the Wenigemarkt is coming to an end.

Together with the city management of the city of Erfurt, Erfurt Tourismus und Marketing GmbH combined all public viewing locations and declared the city center a fan mile.

A competition rounded off this Erfurt fan mile. To take part, the aim was to find ten European Championship footballs in the shop windows of Erfurt retailers. With the correct tip from the 2024 European Championship winner “Spain”, 64 participants ended up in the draw.

The three winners were determined on Monday:

First place went to Melanie W. She wins an original EM 2024 football worth 130 euros and also a 50 euro Erfurt voucher.

2nd and 3rd place went to Lukas A. and Celine K. - they each won an original EM 2024 football worth 130 euros.

In total, over 300 visitors to the city center took part in the competition and submitted their tips. “The European Championship competition was only possible thanks to the participating retailers, who repeatedly support campaigns like this,” sums up city manager Patricia Stepputtis. The winners were notified by email.

Source: Erfurter Tourismus- und Marketing GmbH