There was a happy ending on Monday for a mother duck and her six chicks: two employees from the road depot supported the family in their predicament - because they were stuck in the rain retention basin in Ikarusweg on Roter Berg.

As early as July 16th, the Civil Engineering and Transport Office received reports from concerned citizens. They observed the animals and discovered that the ducklings were unable to leave the pool on their own. An on-site appointment was scheduled for the same day. Helpers were able to get two of the ducklings out of the pool using a landing net. To provide the remaining animals with a temporary refuge, a styrofoam plate was placed in the water, which the chicks used as a floating island.

Further measures were initiated on Wednesday. The animal rescue service, a veterinarian, the fire department control center, the district hunter and the local animal shelter were informed. During a two-hour on-site inspection, no other animals could be rescued. In order to minimize the stress on the ducks, the fire department recommended ending the rescue operation for the time being. The fire department's control center contacted the Environment and Nature Conservation Agency, which suggested building a footbridge into the pool to give the ducks a safe way to exit the pool. To ensure supplies, the ducks were fed fresh lettuce.

On Thursday, the road depot was commissioned to build a footbridge. This is intended to enable the ducks to leave the pool on their own and return to their natural habitat. Two employees from the road/bridge master department installed the custom-made product in the rain retention basin on Monday. It is intended to offer the animals a permanent solution and avoid similar situations in the future.