Baby elephant born in the Thuringian Zoopark Erfurt

New additions to the elephant house


Born in the circle of the herd

Elephants are quite large and therefore many things take longer for them. The elephant Chupa gives birth to a small elephant bull on May 27, 2024 after a 638-day pregnancy. The “small one” has to be put in relation to the size of the animals.

The baby elf with elephants in the herd at Erfurt Zoo 2 days after birth.

The birth takes place without complications and is largely natural. The little one is born in the circle of the herd. When his sister Ayoka was born four years ago, the mother was separated from the herd in the old school way. Even when elephants are born, things change from time to time.

Opportunities to experience the next 50-60 years

The herd also shows natural behavior in the first days of the young bull's life: all animals constantly offer the newborn protection and ensure his first steps outside.

Elephant herd in the Thuringian Zoo Erfurt secures the newborn calf.

The little one will not always remain an Erfurt resident: With elephants, the male animals leave the herd when they reach adulthood. This is also the case in the Thuringian Zoopark Erfurt. The as yet unnamed young bull, whose name will definitely begin with “B”, will then go to another zoo – hopefully. Because: As with most living creatures, the beginning of an elephant's life is the riskiest. If the little one survives the initial period, he has a good chance of living to see the next 50-60 years.

The little elephant bull after birth at Erfurt Zoo in May 2024

As a reminder, here are photos from the second day of the young bull's life with best wishes for many more days to come:


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