The annual organic bin cleaning by SWE Stadtwirtschaft GmbH starts on July 8, 2024. All organic waste containers in Erfurt's private households are scheduled to be washed by the end of September. In the next 12 weeks, each organic waste bin will be cleaned once. In the waste calendar, the entire period for cleaning the organic waste bin is indicated symbolically and means that the organic waste bin is cleaned on one of these days after it has been emptied.

A special washing vehicle follows the disposal vehicle on the regular emptying day. Since this happens at a different time, the crew of the disposal vehicle uses a handout on the lid to inform them to leave the organic waste bin and not to throw anything in. The bio-bin shower can only be used when it is empty. Only the information sheet on the organic waste bin indicates the specific cleaning date.

A bio-bin shower in a special washing vehicle takes less than a minute. The approximately 21,500 waste containers for organic waste are washed once a year with a water temperature of 70 degrees Celsius and using special cleaning technology. Not all municipalities offer this service. In Erfurt, the costs of laundry are financed through waste disposal fees.

Due to the composition of organic waste, the waste containers are usually very dirty and smell more unpleasant than household waste containers. The city wants to counteract this. With annual cleaning, heavy dirt, possible insects and their breeding grounds are properly removed and dried organic waste is removed.

The washing period can be viewed online in the waste calendar or the waste app. By specifying the street and house number, the individual waste calendar can be displayed without registration.

Cleaning the organic waste bin is only intended for private households in Erfurt. The organic waste bins that are available for businesses are not washed. This laundry must be ordered separately from SWE Stadtwirtschaft GmbH. In addition to the annual organic waste bin shower by SWE Stadtwirtschaft GmbH, all types of waste containers must generally be kept clean and cleaned yourself.


Source: Press releases from the state capital Erfurt