Photo: Erfurt Lakes near Mittelhausen/Archive I love Erfurt

New development concept is being implemented

In May, the city council approved the “Erfurt Lakes Regional Development Concept”. This creates the basis for further urban planning and measures to develop the Erfurt lakes. The concept outlines, among other things, eleven key measures and 19 projects. In the next few weeks it will become clear when which project should be implemented and with what priority.

Beaches, viewpoints and cycle paths – new ideas for the lake district

With the help of the new regional development concept (REK), the aim is to shape the transformation process of the Erfurt lake landscape with new ideas. The city of Erfurt and the municipalities involved (Nöda and Alperstedt) of the municipal working group “Erfurter Seen” (KAG), in collaboration with Elxleben and Riethnordhausen, have in recent years evaluated and updated the old regional development concept from 1998 in comparison with current developments carried out. Various interest groups were able to contribute their ideas through various participation formats. The new concept represents a framework for action for the coming decades and, for the first time, takes into account the Riedseen between Mittelhausen, Kühnhausen and Elxleben as part of the Erfurt lake landscape.

New cycle paths, barrier-free observation towers and the construction of additional beaches and park landscapes are just a few of the ideas that are on the agenda of those involved and are intended to enhance the local recreation area. As a result, the KAG could also receive a new organizational form. Christian Bachmann, the new project manager in the Office for Urban Development and Urban Planning, has been responsible for coordinating all areas of responsibility - both internally and across municipalities - since June 2024. “Together with the communities involved, authorities, mining companies, leisure facilities as well as the local clubs and residents, we would like to further develop the Erfurt lake landscape into an excursion destination with great offers for visitors from near and far and continue the existing development process from a sustainable perspective,” explains Bachmann.

In order to achieve this goal in the long term, he is in discussions with everyone involved. The work rounds will soon identify the measures that should be planned and implemented first.

The local recreation area of ​​the Erfurt Lakes is already impressive. A variety of activities can be undertaken over a total length of approximately nine kilometers. Swimming, fishing, sailing, surfing, cycling, hiking, nature observation and much more are already possible. The lake landscape was created as a result of gravel mining over the last few decades and will be gradually converted into a large local recreation area by 2065. New lakes are being added. The water area will most likely increase from 386 hectares to 500 hectares. Landscape, natural and leisure lakes alternate. However, the expansion of the lake area depends on the progress of the gravel work. Mining work has not yet begun in some future lakes.


Source: Press releases from the state capital Erfurt