In August, the Fuchsfarm nature adventure garden received the “Wild Islands” award plaque from the Thuringia Nature Conservation Association (Nabu).

Nature Conservation Association recognizes contribution to biodiversity

Wild islands promote biological diversity and are areas in gardens, green spaces or parks that are rarely or no longer maintained. They become wild or become wilderness. Wild islands offer a variety of niches - i.e. food, habitat, hiding and hibernation opportunities for a variety of animals, but also offer space for many plants. Nature can unfold in peace in such areas. For many people, the sight of unmown lawns, leaves and dead branches still takes getting used to - but lizards, birds, butterflies and plants are happy about it.

In the Fuchsfarm nature adventure garden, the well-maintained wilderness has long been the concept for managing the one hectare area. Paths, the adventure meadow and the eco-garden are intensively and regularly maintained. Everything else is mostly left alone.

Nabu Thuringia has now taken this as an opportunity to award the “Wild Islands” plaque and wants to draw attention to the importance of these gems in nature, which make an important contribution to greater biodiversity and against the extinction of insects.

“We are pleased about the award and take it as an incentive to continue and convince the guests of the fox farm,” says Jörg Lummitsch, head of the Environment and Nature Conservation Office and therefore responsible for the fox farm. “The shining children’s eyes when observing sand lizards, grass snakes, birds and insects are also a good reward for setting up the wild islands.”

Source: Press releases from the state capital Erfurt