The Erfurt broad bean

Culinary cultural assets and superfoods of the past

Omnipresent: The Erfurt broad bean

Anyone who strolls through Erfurt's picturesque old town will encounter it at every turn: the broad bean. As a cute plush mascot, as street art or as a namesake for the people of Erfurt themselves – the broad bean is an integral part of Erfurt.

But what is this inconspicuous legume all about? Why do the city's residents have the nickname “Erfurt Broad Beans”?

Immerse yourself with us in the fascinating history of a vegetable that shapes Erfurt's identity to this day.

freshly harvested broad beans_erfurt

Freshly harvested, Erfurt broad beans don't always look perfect. But inside: everything is delicious. You can't eat the peels anyway.

Broad beans?
Where does the name come from?

When cooked, especially dried beans, the legumes grew larger again and “puffed up”.

Unpulling broad beans_erfurt

As always: before enjoyment comes work. Even the littlest ones can help with the beans.

From poor people's food to trendy vegetables

The Erfurt broad bean (Vicia faba), also known as broad bean, broad bean or field bean, was simply a staple food in past centuries; a poor man's meal. From today's perspective, it is something of a superfood. The robust legume showed its strengths particularly in times of shortage:

  • Nutrient bomb : Rich in proteins, fiber and important minerals such as iron, it provided the people of Erfurt with everything their bodies needed.
  • Guarantee of satiety : A portion of broad beans lasts a long time - an advantage that should not be underestimated in lean times.
  • Undemanding and resilient : The broad bean also thrived on less fertile soils and defied Thuringia's often harsh climate.
  • Durable: When dried, the beans lasted for a very long time. Dried beans can easily be stored for a year without any loss of quality.

Unfortunately, these positive qualities have been forgotten in recent times. So in the end the faba beans were preferred to the pigs.
But they thought it was really good!

Today the broad bean is experiencing a real renaissance. More and more people in Erfurt are rediscovering the versatile bean - as a regional, sustainable and healthy food. In some restaurants in the cathedral city you can now find them in creative dishes that go far beyond the classic stew.

4000 years ago: broad bean stew!

Beans, along with peas and lentils, were already common here in the Bronze Age. This makes them one of the oldest cultivated plants known to mankind.
And Erfurt's favorite broad bean has numerous other names:

  • Broad bean
  • Field bean
  • broad bean
  • Big bean
  • horse bean
  • cattle bean
  • Fava bean

The broad bean – Erfurt’s green heritage

Erfurt, long known as the “gardener's city”, has a centuries-long tradition of growing the broad bean. In the 18th and 19th centuries it was a cornerstone of local agriculture and contributed significantly to the city's prosperity. Today one or two farms are growing broad beans again, albeit on a much smaller scale than before. This would have a few advantages:

  • Sustainable cultivation: Broad beans are true environmental heroes. They require little water, hardly any fertilizer and are more resistant to pests than many other crops.
  • Soil improver: As a legume, the broad bean enriches the soil with nitrogen - a natural fertilizer for subsequent crops.
  • Local economy: Cultivation strengthens regional economic cycles and creates jobs in agriculture.

If you keep your eyes open in summer, you might be able to admire one of the broad bean fields around Erfurt. The harvest usually takes place in July and August when the pods are full and the beans have reached their full size.

The broad bean today

Today the term “broad bean” is an honorary title for the people of Erfurt. It is worn with pride and is a reminder of the city's rich history. Whether as a mascot, in local gastronomy or as a popular souvenir - the broad bean is omnipresent and a loving symbol of Erfurt's identity.

And so that this is not forgotten, every citizen born in Erfurt receives a plush broad bean from the city.
And so you know what needs to be done so that the Erfurt broad beans don't die out.

From the Erfurt Gardener's Song

Only in Erfurt is it possible to live well;
but do you also know – why?
Broad beans are blooming all around Erfurt;
our pride and joy.

Ask in Pomerania, ask in Swabia,
they don't have beans like that.

Wilhelm Schütz, 1873

broad beans erfurt kuechenFertig_erfurt

Recipes: Prepare broad beans easily and deliciously

Before we venture into the complicated recipes, let's start with the simplest way to prepare the Erfurt broad bean. This method brings out the full, nutty flavor of the bean and is easy to implement even for new cooks.


  • Shelling : Remove the beans from the pods. For young, tender beans, you can leave the outer skin on. For older specimens, it is advisable to “pule” the individual beans, i.e. to remove the sometimes tough skin.
  • Pre-cooking : Add the beans to salted water and simmer for about 5-7 minutes. The exact time depends on the size and age of the beans. They should be al dente but not hard.
  • Quenching : Drain the beans and rinse them briefly with cold water. This stops the cooking process and preserves the beautiful green color.
  • Sauté : Heat butter or oil in a pan. Add the pre-cooked beans and fry them over medium heat for about 3-5 minutes. Swirl the pan occasionally to ensure the beans brown evenly.
  • Seasoning : Season the beans with salt and pepper. If you like, you can now mix in freshly chopped herbs.
  • Serving : Enjoy the broad beans on their own or as a side dish with meatballs or simply with delicious new potatoes.

These are the ingredients – quickly get them in the kitchen

  • 500g fresh broad beans
  • 2 tablespoons butter or olive oil
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Important: fresh herbs (e.g. parsley or dill)
roast broad beans_erfurt

Now hurry up. The pan will be empty faster than you think!


Broad beans recipe ideas

Small suggestions for the Erfurt bean in the kitchen

Idea #1 – Broad Bean Risotto

Anyone who can prepare a risotto can do so with a handful of beans as an extra ingredient.

Try it, it's really delicious!

Fun Fact:
The combination of broad beans and rice is also nutritionally and physiologically valuable. The amino acids in both foods complement each other perfectly, forming a complete protein - ideal for vegetarians and vegans!

Idea #2 – Broad Bean Stew

This stew is a classic. Down-to-earth, nutritious cuisine that has raised generations of Erfurters. Main ingredients are broad beans, root vegetables and potatoes. The stew can be prepared with meat or as a vegetarian dish: it's always tasty with a handful of herbs!

Important: Do not make soup without bay leaves and juniper berries. That doesn't work at all!

No ideas?
Buy the Broad Bean Cookbook!

If you don't want to experiment, simply use tried-and-tested recipes from the Erfurt broad beans cookbook.

Simply click on the picture to order!

Order broad beans cookbook_erfurt

Idea #3 – Broad Bean Pralines

Now something for brave kitchen freaks: Process broad bean puree with powdered sugar, butter, ground lavender and a pinch of salt into a smooth mass and put it into praline shapes. Covered in delicate chocolate and garnished with a pinch of lavender flowers, the bean becomes exotic.

Note: Please deliver samples to the editorial office!