The egapark in winter

All flowers in hibernation, nothing to see and no food? That's probably how you imagine it.
But the wintery egapark has more to offer than you think. Already at the entrance you can see that not all the plants are sleeping.

The snow heath at the entrance to the egapark lives up to its name

Anyone who enters the extensive area from Gothaer Platz in winter will quickly come across the bright flowers of the snow heath, which feels completely in its element in the cold snow.

The playgrounds, on the other hand, are really in hibernation: hardly any child really wants to jump over icy climbing frames for a long time.

One of the playgrounds in egapark.
One of the playgrounds in egapark.

In a few months, the Japanese garden will awaken to fantastic colors cherry blossoms There is little sign of it now. The red gate makes the entrance visible from afar. Now in winter, the beds, trees and houses around the Zen bed radiate a fascinating calm. There is silence in the garden house. Tea ceremonies or singing bowl massages occasionally take place here in the warm season.

Entrance gate of the Japanese garden in egapark
Zen bed in the Japanese garden in egapark Erfurt
azalea egapark_erfurt
Japanese garden house

The witch hazel flowers are undaunted by the cold February air. This is exactly her time!

egapark winter japanese garden zaubernuss_erfurt

In the beds around the water axis in the southeastern area of ​​the egapark there are splashes of color like these cyclamen. 

Cyclamen in the wintry Erfurt egapark

The fountains and water features, on the other hand, are all turned off. They share this fate with the observation tower and most of the toilets in the park . Only in Danakil and at the main entrance can you find relief in winter.

Cyclamen in the wintry Erfurt egapark
Flamingo sculpture in the egapark Erfurt
egapark winter toilette_erfurt

The Danakil Tropical and Desert House is open all winter. 

egapark winter danakil_erfurt

The worthwhile tour through different climate zones with a visit to leaf-cutting ants and meerkats can be completed with a coffee or a warm meal.

Warm food and coffee are available at Danakil in the egapark Erfurt

Our conclusion

egapark is also worthwhile in winter . You can stroll around, look for the first flowers or visit the meerkats in Danakil. And when winter comes to an end, you can also discover the first colorful early bloomers on the slopes of Cytiaksburg. They testify to the approach of spring!

Winter walk egapark fruehblueher_erfurt