The Brühl Garden

Favorite place in Erfurt




The Brühler Garden is located on the edge of the old town. Sometimes it was part of the fortifications of the city of Erfurt, sometimes it was a cemetery and also a pleasure garden.

Today it is simply a park. With trees, meadow and seating

Benches in the Brühler Garten Erfurt invite you to linger.

it fulfills exactly the tasks that such an area in the city has to perform: it offers peace and relaxation, if its visitors allow it. Sometimes there are small concerts, such as as part of the “ Cream Brühlee ” event series.

And then also parties, mostly of young people, which are not well received by the mostly older residents.

We present the Brühler Garden here in one of its resting phases.

An avenue leads from Mainzerhofplatz

An avenue leads through the Brühler Garden in Erfurt.

through the park, which leads to a children's playground. There is a large lawn area on the right. This is partly from such

Design elements in the Brühler Garden Erfurt.

Bordered with design elements.

There is a bust of Karl von Müffling in the park. Erected in 1853, removed in the GDR and re-erected in 2001, this Prussian field marshal is still a controversial figure. A massive grille therefore protects it from destruction like that in 2001. At that time, the bust was badly damaged by blows and smeared with paint.

The bust of Karl von Müffling is protected from rioters by a grille. Brühler Garden Erfurt.

Then there is a small stage

A stage is available for events in the Brühler Garten Erfurt.

and a stone cross at the eastern entrance to the park.

A stone cross in the Brühler Garden Erfurt.

And that's it: The Brühler Garden on a quiet summer day.

Also worth mentioning is the toilet block on the site and the remains of these trees:

These tree remains in the Brühler Garten Erfurt were left standing and designed.