The farm in the Thuringian Zoopark Erfurt

A journey through time at the gates of the city


Rare animals

The Thuringian Zoo Park in Erfurt is known for its large and small animals from all over the world. Elephants, rhinos, llamas and lemurs have one thing in common: their homeland is outside Europe. This also makes them interesting for visitors. Sheep and goats can be found on every corner. Do I have to go to the zoo for this?

The average person rarely sees woolly pigs, for example. This has less to do with the vastness of the world where lions and Barbary macaques live than with time: there are hardly any woolly pigs left. You can't meet them in Thuringia or anywhere else, except in the Thuringian Zoopark Erfurt.

Woolly pig offspring in the Thuringian Zoopark Erfurt

And since, in addition to the domestic pigs mentioned, other rare farm animal species populate the farm, the show farm quickly turns into a very interesting part of the Erfurt Zoo Park. The actual farm

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Show farm in the Thuringian Zoopark Erfurt.

However, it is only part of this world. Just like on a “real” farm, there are also paddocks and pastures.

To remote pastures

In addition, and here we are talking about a huge area of ​​the Thuringian Zoo Park, the animals graze and look after the nature reserve on the park's grounds.

Sheep on the nature conservation area of ​​Erfurt Zoo.

This part is accessible to visitors via the “forest hiking trail”. It leads over lonely paths

The forest hiking trail in the Thuringian Zoopark Erfurt with a view of the city.

past viewpoints to remote pastures.

Donkeys in a pasture in the nature conservation area of ​​the Erfurt Zoo Park.

Show farm is a participatory farm

The actual farm goes back to the Erfurt Axmann family. She built a villa here in 1860/61, at that time still far from the city gates. In 1870 the site was registered as an “economy establishment” with the responsible municipality. With a free-standing barn - the cornerstone of today's zoo farm.

Old portal at the show farm in Erfurt Zoo.

The show farm is also a participatory farm. Here, young and old come into close contact with the animals.

Entrance stable to the show farm at Erfurt Zoo.

There are exciting encounters, especially for children. For example with this dairy cow:

You can milk here: milking cow model Thuringian Zoopark Erfurt.

This isn't entirely real, but it can be milked properly.

Horses of different sizes

There are also other rare farm animal species in the pastures at the foot of the show farm.

Show farm with pastures in the Thuringian Zoopark Erfurt.

In addition to the woolly pigs mentioned above, you can also find cows, goats and horses of various sizes here.

Shetland pony and Shire horse in Erfurt Zoo.


The show farm, pastures and the nature conservation area are an important area of ​​the Thuringian Zoo Park Erfurt, not only in terms of their area. Here, a visit to the zoo becomes a journey through time. If lions, bison and kangaroos take us to other continents, the animals around the farm take us back in time. And all of this at the gates of the city.

View from the Thuringian Zoopark Erfurt of the city with the Roter Berg settlement.


