Which of you knows more about the monument on Herrenberg?

The editorial team is looking for experts


Sculpture at the Herrenberg monument in Erfurt

The realization is banal, but important for this story: Without knowing a story, it cannot be told.

We at “I love Erfurt” like to tell stories – about Erfurt. The people and the city itself provide this to us. We listen, walk through our homeland with our eyes open and are happy to follow up on a tip from our visitors.

Something piqued our interest...

The monument on Herrenberg between the two high-rise buildings.

… let’s “look into the matter”. Places, people and also monuments. Since we feel more committed to documentation than to poetry, we usually seek advice from specialists or rely on existing statements from specialists.

Specialists are people who know more about something than we do - the storytellers.

You will feel like reading these lines and looking at the photos...

Herrenberg monument with high-rise building and sculpture.

... slowly ask the question: What does he actually want, this storyteller?

The answer is very simple: We want to tell the story of the monument on Herrenberg.
But for that we need to know the history and we don't.

The following is known: Court was held here in the Middle Ages. The place is also known as Raven Hill, etc. - it's all written on this stone:

Writing on the stone at the Herrenberg monument.

But what it doesn't say is:

  • When was the monument erected?
  • Why and by whom?
  • What do the steles and sculpture refer to?

contact us by email at redaktion@ich-liebe-erfurt.de We would be very happy because we would like to tell the story about the monument and its meaning. We need specialists for this. Maybe you – yes, exactly you – can give us the crucial tips.