The Espachpark community park

From the outdoor pool to the outdoor park

Outdoor swimming pools have an uncertain existence in Germany. In Erfurt, too, there are recurring discussions about closures, downsizing and the fundamental justification of their existence .

The Espachbad, located between Espachpromenade

The Espach promenade between Walkstrom and Flutgraben

and oak pond,

The Espachteich in Erfurt

was the oldest outdoor swimming pool in the city of Erfurt. Opened around 1840, it closed in 1991. The area on the Gera, which is called Walkstrom here , is falling into disrepair.

Building of the former Espachbad on Walkstrom

An unused plot of land in a preferred residential area surrounded by houses that could easily be described as villas - that's where...that's right: real money could be made.

Things turn out differently. In 2010, a kindergarten was built on the former swimming pool site and a year later the Espachbad community park opened. Instead of swimming pools, there is now just a small “beach”,

There is a small beach at Espachpark

but with Espachcafe,

Espachcafe in the Espachpark community park

An attractive kindergarten and community park with playground has been created in Erfurt South. Like the pool before it, it meets an important criterion for the citizens: it is open to everyone, with the exception of the kindergarten.

The Espachpark with the Espachcafe in Erfurt

Conclusion: Espachbad Citizens Park

The Bürgerpark, located in the south of Erfurt, offers a children's playground, cafe, lawn and some seating. Car parking spaces are rare and the next tram stop at Gothaer Platz is not “next door”.

The park is very popular with parents with children. For walkers or cyclists, Espachpark is an ideal stopover if you continue towards Luisenpark. With the Espachtich pond and the Espach promenade, the former swimming pool area forms a harmonious spot in the city.