The Barkhäuser Tower

Or how a master baker took me to an almost forgotten tower

A chance discovery in the Erfurt area

When I was in a sweet tooth phase, I noticed a delicious sweet at an Erfurt bakery: a “Barkhäuser Türmchen” with a delicious chocolate coating was on display. Just as tasty as a rum ball, only made into a pointed tower - delicious!

After eating it, I first looked on Google to see if such a building could be found in real life anywhere. Barkhäuser Tower was marked right next to the motorway in the direction of Sömmerda . So let's go.

barkhaeuser wait stotternheim_erfurt

A historic round tower on the outskirts of Erfurt

The Barkhäuser Tower - also called Barkhäuser Warte - is a historical observation and round tower and is located between Udestedt and Stotternheim . It is the last remnant of a monastery property dependent on the Georgenthal monastery near the abandoned town of Barkhausen, which was about one kilometer north. There is no trace of Barkhausen today, only the tower still stands out into the countryside.
A highlight is a visit with the first rays of sunshine of the day - so get up early!

After the village of Barkhausen disappeared, the tower, like the Bienstedter Warte, part of the outer guard and fortifications of the city of Erfurt. This was a ring of 16 towers around the city. In troubled times it was equipped with guards who were supposed to warn of approaching dangers. The tower is 5.50 m high and has a diameter of 3.20 meters.

Today the tower is listed as a cultural monument. Surrounded by arable land, the tower is in close proximity to the A71 motorway. You can't really enjoy peace and quiet there. But the building is still worth seeing. By the way, the best way to reach the old guard is by bike.

Just look at it, unfortunately nothing more is possible

Another note: you can stand there, rest and admire the tower, that's it. It doesn't go into the old walls, even if that's a bit disappointing. But the Barkhäuser Türmchen is always good for a nice stopover on a bike tour!