Since Friday, the winning image from the AI ​​image competition (AI = artificial intelligence) of the Thuringian Economic Congress erwicon 2024 has been on public display in the Technical Town Hall.

This creative work was created as part of the workshop “Generate and win your own AI images!” led by Heiko Kahl and his team at Traeno GmbH as part of this year's erwicon.

“AI professionals” and “AI beginners” were able to develop their creative image ideas in four teams. In addition to creativity, knowledge of English was required because prompting was only possible in English. “Prompting” refers to entering the keywords into the corresponding AI software to generate the images. The challenge was that the following keywords had to be shown together in the image: Erfurt, innovation, AI and economy.

With the help of online voting, the congress participants chose “InnovAltion” as the winning image. The AI ​​image can be viewed on the 1st floor during opening hours of the Technical Town Hall. Upon agreement, the winning image and four other KI Erfurt images from the erwicon competition can be made available for download.

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Source: Current reports from the state capital Erfurt