Along the quiet Unstrutaue

On the way from Gebesee to Henschleben

A trip parallel to the main road

A hike along the Unstrutaue between Gebesee and Henschleben offers a wonderful opportunity to enjoy nature near Erfurt.

We start not far from where the Gera flows into the Unstrut near Gebesee. The river flows calmly and broadly through an open landscape with meadows and fields. On both sides of the river there is an extensive floodplain, criss-crossed by oxbow lakes and wetlands. Along the trail, hikers can observe a variety of plants and animals.


About three kilometers upstream, hikers reach the Straußfurt retention basin. The basin was built to prevent flooding and to regulate the water level of the Unstrut. The result is a large body of water, which is dry from autumn to spring.

Straussfurt retention basin drained in winter scaled_erfurt

Henschleben itself is a typical Thuringian village. In the center there is a church, on the grounds of which an old stone cross and a war memorial are reminders of bygone times.

Henschleben Thuringia. War memorial with a stone cross in front of the church. scaled_erfurt

Today the place offers opportunities for fishing, canoeing and hiking.


Anyone who drives from Erfurt on the federal road between Gebesee and Straußfurt often has no idea that there is a worthwhile excursion destination parallel to it. You can reach this by car in about 20 minutes. There is no proper parking space on site. A few dirt roads branch off towards Schwerborn - parking in Gebesee or Henschleben is also an option.

The nearest train station is Ringleben or from Henschleben Straußfurt.

For cyclists: The river meadow is not far from the Gera/Unstrut cycle path. If you want to travel this way, you should keep in mind that driving on the federal highway is not just unpleasant. It's dangerous. That's why we recommend: Find a route from Gebesee via fields and meadow paths to your destination. There is no cycle path in the section described.