The Anger in Erfurt

An excursion into everyday life in Erfurt


Center of the city

If Erfurt revolves around anything, it's anger. It is a meeting point, a transfer point and probably no one who lives in Erfurt will say: I've never been there before! This is the center of the city, from which you always go out.

At the Anger in Erfurt, tram lines lead out of the city.

The Anger is not the place in Erfurt that attracts visitors from all over the world. These are the Krämerbrücke , the cathedral with cathedral square and the winding old town. The Anger is Erfurt's everyday life.

Everyday life on the Anger in Erfurt with people waiting at the tram stop.

Busy traffic

Today we'll take a closer look at this and start in the northeast. In front of the Kaufmannskirche, Luther has been looking at the events six meters below him since 1889. A lot has changed since then, but the Anger was still the central point back then.

The Luther monument in front of the Kaufmannskirche am Anger in Erfurt.

Even the main train station, built in the 19th century, changes little. Bahnhofstrasse is the route to the city and leads to the middle of the Anger. All of Erfurt's tram lines meet here and there is a lot of traffic from morning to evening.

All tram lines meet at Anger in Erfurt, so there is a lot of traffic there.

The Angermuseum is also home to an important museum. In addition to changing exhibitions, the city of Erfurt shows various collections at this location. What is unique is e.g. B. the mural “Stages of Life” by the artist Erich Heckel on the ground floor. We continue towards the southwest.

Tradition and modernity

The sometimes elaborately designed facades of the houses there are striking. It's worth just stopping and taking a closer look.

At the Haus zum Riesen on the Anger in Erfurt, figures greet guests at the entrance.

In this part, numerous alleys cross the Anger. The Bartholomäusturm can also be found there. This houses a carillon, which automatically sounds a chime several times a day, but can also be played by skilled musicians. Past some long-established shops we reach the Old Angerbrunnen. We have now reached the southwestern end of the Anger and look back again at the center of the city.

The Old Angerbrunnen in the southwest of the Anger in Erfurt.

Have we mentioned everything? No. With its numerous shops, the Anger is the city's most important shopping mile. It houses tradition and modernity and anyone who visits it will always discover something new. However, some things are hardly noticeable because of everyday life.

Flower decorations and palm trees characterize the picture on the Anger in Erfurt in summer.


