Photo: Matthias Göpel, Antje Tillmann, Kathrin Weiß, Andreas Horn and Susanna Karawanskij/Stadtwerke Erfurt, Steve Bauerschmidt

Ceremonial start for the renovation of the pool and pool water technology on August 20, 2024

In the 1970s, many citizens of Möbisburg helped build their outdoor swimming pool in their free time, creating a popular leisure facility that was originally intended as a fire extinguishing pond for the neighboring shoe last factory. For the residents of the Möbisburg district, but also of the entire south of Erfurt, the pool, which opened in 1975, has a special significance. Idyllically located on the outskirts of the city and on the Geraradweg, regular guests particularly appreciate it because of the spacious swimming pool, the extensive lawns for sunbathing, old shady trees and games and sports activities for the whole family. The bathing complex can be easily reached by local transport, bicycle or car. The large swimming pool and the separately located children's pool require extensive renovation.
“The Möbisburg outdoor pool is the last of our pools that can be renovated. Our members of the Bundestag, state parliament members, city councilors, the Möbisburgers and the support association founded in 2011 have been committed to preserving the local swimming pool in recent years. The support association supported us before and after the season with work assignments in the pool. However, the renovation could not be carried out without funding. In addition to the extensive pool renovation, the bathing water technology that is now mandatory must also be installed. We are very pleased that the state capital Erfurt's application for funding from the federal program 'Renovation of municipal facilities in the areas of sport, youth and culture of the Federal Institute for Building, Urban and Spatial Research' was approved by the funding provider. Special thanks also go to Antje Tillmann (Member of the Bundestag), she has always supported the issue,” says Kathrin Weiß, Managing Director of SWE Bäder GmbH.
The first tenders and orders for the major trades such as demolition and shell construction work, swimming and children's pools and bathing water technology have already been placed. Demolition of the pool has begun; a company building as well as the slide and showers at the pool have been dismantled. The ceremonial start of the construction work took place on August 20, 2024 together with Susanna Karawanskij, Thuringia's Minister for Infrastructure and Agriculture, the Mayor of Erfurt Andreas Horn, the mayor of the district Matthias Göpel, members of the support association and the SWE Bäder managing director Kathrin Weiß.
Carsten Schneider, member of the SPD parliamentary group, Minister of State to the Chancellor and Federal Government Commissioner for East Germany, had to cancel at short notice, but was still pleased about the start of construction on the renovation of the local swimming pool in Möbisburg: “This summer shows what quality of life can be found in an outdoor swimming pool . Möbisburg not only promises to cool down for the people next door, but also offers welcome refreshment to many who set out on their bikes. The size of the entire area also leaves enough space for families as well as swimmers who want to take it a little quieter. As the sixth spa in Erfurt, the Möbisburger was and will remain a very special leisure resort even after the renovation.”

New company building

Susanna Karawanskij was also there in Möbisburg in bright sunshine. “In view of budgetary constraints and current energy policy developments, it is not easy for municipalities to operate and maintain pools as so-called voluntary services. Ways to save costs also had to be found in the planned renovation of the Möbisburg outdoor swimming pool,” said the minister. “SWE Bäder GmbH, the city of Erfurt, the Möbisburg district council and the support association managed to find a solution together. Of course, great thanks also go to the federal government, without whose support the renovation of the Möbisburg outdoor pool would not be possible. I wish everyone involved that the construction goes well and that the outdoor pool shines in a new, modern splendor just in time for its 50th anniversary next year,” she added.

Mayor Andreas Horn on the decision to preserve the pool: “We know what role the six pools in the state capital play in the common good. The people of Möbisburg put a lot of heart and soul into building and later maintaining their pool. With the support of the city council, we have allocated the necessary own funds to the city budget for maintenance and renovation. Once all construction work has been completed, the local pool will reopen to bathers in 2025 in its 50th year of existence.”

Rainer Schrader, chairman of the support association, is happy for the Möbisburgers: “A long path of discussion about the future of the Möbisburg outdoor pool has come to an end - the long-awaited renovation is now beginning. The support association for the Möbisburg outdoor pool e. V. is already looking forward to swimming in the 2025 season to coincide with the pool's 50th birthday.”
Current energy policy developments have forced and continue to force pool operators to take energy-saving measures and rethink how they use the necessary resources.
With this in mind, those responsible from SWE Bäder GmbH and the state capital Erfurt, the Möbisburg district council and the Möbisburg Freibad support association sat down at the table in 2023 and adjusted the original plans. The heating of the multi-purpose pool and the pool cover, which had already been approved by funding notice, were dispensed with. The combined heat and power plant for pool heating was therefore no longer necessary. Further cost savings were achieved by reducing the size of the company building and eliminating the need for a gas connection.

What is new is the children's paddling pool, which is now located in the central area. With a size of approx. 60 m², it has an electric pool heating system using solar energy. In the future, like the water treatment technology, it will be located within the area of ​​the old swimming pool. The changes were confirmed by the federal funding provider in April 2024.

The completely new swimming pool made of stainless steel will have a size of 25 x 33 m and a water area of ​​840 m². There is space for five lanes with a length of 25 m and a flat water area; access is barrier-free. As part of the renovation, a barrier-free toilet will be built in the existing sanitary building and a new operations building with a workshop and chlorine gas room.
The outdoor areas will then be restored. The renovation work began with demolition work on August 12, 2024.

Source: Stadtwerke Erfurt