Pick your own strawberries in Erfurt

A fruity treat for the whole family

Are you up for a sweet adventure? Then head into the countryside and into the strawberry fields around Erfurt! Because what could be nicer than picking juicy strawberries straight from the field on a sunny day and snacking straight away?

No matter whether big or small, young or old – picking strawberries is fun for everyone. Here are a few tips and information to make your strawberry trip perfect:

Strawberry field near Erfurt Hochheim

In some districts of the state capital there are strawberry fields for you to pick yourself. But on some days you have to search hard to discover the hidden red delicacies.

Since when have strawberries been cultivated?

Strawberries have been cultivated and bred for a very long time. Intensive breeding as we know it today began around 200-300 years ago. Here are the most important points about the history of strawberry breeding:

  • Wild strawberries were collected and consumed as early as the Stone Age.
  • Targeted cultivation began in the Middle Ages, around the 14th century in France.
  • A crucial moment in strawberry breeding was the crossing of the European wild strawberry with the Chilean strawberry in the 18th century.
  • This crossing led to the creation of the garden strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa), which forms the basis for most modern strawberry varieties.
  • Since the 19th century, the systematic breeding of strawberries has increased significantly, with the aim of developing varieties with better characteristics such as size, taste and hardiness.

1. When does it start?
The strawberry season usually starts in June and lasts until July. So keep your eyes open as soon as the first red fruits appear!

2. Where can you pick?
In and around Erfurt there are several fields that invite you to pick your own. Most are easy to reach by car or even by bike. Some popular spots are:

  • Gloria nursery in Hochheim
  • The Wagner-Hof in the east of Erfurt

3. What should you bring with you?
Be sure to pack enough containers to safely transport your strawberries home. Chip baskets are available on site, but these cost extra. A hat and sunscreen are also a good idea on hot days. And don't forget: picking makes you thirsty - take something to drink with you!

4. How does it work?
When you arrive at the field, you will usually receive a short briefing. Then it's time to grab the basket and let's go! Make sure to only pick ripe strawberries - you can recognize them by their deep red color and sweet scent.

5. How much does the fun cost?
The price for home-picked strawberries is quite a bit lower than the store price and varies depending on the provider. Billing is based on weight, so be prepared for 5 – 8 euros per kilogram.

6. What to do with the harvest?
Once you have filled your baskets, the strawberries will be weighed and paid for on site. Once you get home, there are countless ways to enjoy the fresh berries: whether as jam, cake, in a salad or simply pure - there are no limits to your imagination!

Why should you pick strawberries yourself?
Picking things yourself is not only a great experience, but also a step towards sustainability. You save packaging and support regional farms directly. In addition, the freshly picked berries taste simply incomparably delicious!

So, grab your loved ones and experience an unforgettable day in the strawberry fields around Erfurt. See you in the countryside!

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5 things you probably didn't know about strawberries

  • Strawberries are not berries : Botanically speaking, strawberries are not true berries. They belong to the rose family and their small seeds on the surface are the actual fruits.
  • Low in calories and rich in nutrients : Strawberries are low in calories and contain many important nutrients such as vitamin C, manganese and fiber. One cup of strawberries only has about 50 calories.
  • Historical Use : Strawberries have been valued for their medicinal properties since ancient times. They have been used to treat depression and stomach problems.
  • Worldwide popularity : The largest amount of strawberries are grown in the United States, particularly in California. Spain and Mexico are also important producers.
  • Different Varieties : There are over 600 different varieties of strawberries worldwide, varying in size, shape, color and taste.
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And what do you do with the strawberries you pick yourself? One kilo is already eaten in the field; the others come in sundaes and shakes!

Home-picked strawberries are the icing on the cake for ice cream sundaes and shakes!