Photo: record player. Editorial team ichliebeerfurt

For fans of the pleasant crackling sound, August 12th is an important date in the calendar. On “Vinyl Record Day” the focus is once again on the good old recordings.

Surprising favorites for loan dates from 2023 and 2024

Even in the age of music streaming, records still have loyal fans. They also have a good contact point in the Erfurt city and regional library. The record collection there is a complete collection from GDR times. It includes almost 7,000 long-playing records, most of which consist of publishing productions from the former GDR.

The label “Amiga” stood for light music, “Eterna” was dedicated to classical music and “Litera” was dedicated to theater performances as well as fairy tale radio plays for children. Depending on the genre, these recordings reflect 40 years of musical development and literary interpretations. Selected productions from the former Federal Republic complement the collection that is now complete. All records are listed in the online catalog and can be borrowed.

Of the 6,481 registered records, only 45 were borrowed in 2023, making a total of 95 borrowings. First place was shared by three records, each with twelve borrowings. These were “The Dark Side of the Moon” by Pink Floyd, a compilation of Johnny Cash’s most popular songs, and “A Little Man Stands in the Forest” by the GDR Radio Children’s Choir. In the first half of 2024, these three titles were also the most popular records from the library's collection, with seven borrowings each. “A Christmas Dream” by Richard Clayderman and “Franke-Echo-Quintet” by the Sputniks have also been borrowed several times this year.

pink floyd_erfurt

The classic “The Dark Side of the Moon” is one of the top records on the rental list

Source: Current reports from the state capital Erfurt