On June 11, 2024 at 5 p.m., the “Creme Brühlee” event series welcomes the Erfurt Music School with the drum ensemble “Rambazamba” in the Brühler Garden and thus also offers a warm-up to the Krämerbrückenfest.

The young musicians of “Rambazamba” play their leader Sebastian Jaschke's own compositions and also give classics of rock music a new rhythmic corset - accompanied by guitar and bass. African, Latin American and drumline instruments and rhythms are combined by the drum students. The result is an energetic mix of many genres.

The cultural series of events continues: on July 9th with the children's theater play “The Frog Prince”, performed by the Theater im Palais, and on August 13th all visitors can sing along loudly to Björn Sauer's nonsense song concert. At the end of summer on September 10th, the duo “Crepes Sucette” will bring lots of danceable street music from Weimar and the world to the Brühler Garten.

The events are free of charge. The organizer is the cultural directorate of the state capital Erfurt.

Source: Press releases from the state capital Erfurt