The Berberberg is one of the main attractions in the Thuringian Zoopark Erfurt. currently be made in the walk-in facility, because the young animal, born on June 4th, is extremely agile and brings all kinds of movement into the group.

Photo: Xenia/Thüringer Zoopark Erfurt

Peaches and Rico's daughter was christened Xenia. The little
monkey lady is developing very well. You can regularly see her
doing somersaults and practicing climbing, long jump and hanging
. Little by little, the young animal increases its radius and spends time not
only with its mother, but increasingly with other animals in the group.
The young Barbary macaques initially have thin, dark brown to black fur.
The adults' thick, light brown hair coat, which
protects the animals well from the cold in winter, develops within the first four months of life. After a gestation period
of around 165 days, the females give birth to a single young for the first time at the age of 4 to 6 years. This is not only looked after by the mother, but also by other group members. The young animals fulfill a special task in the social structure.
For example, if lower-ranking males
want to come into contact with higher-ranking males, they do this by “borrowing” young animals in order to groom their fur together with the higher-ranking male, thereby forming new bonds
and, in the best case, moving up within the group.
The Berber Mountain was opened in 1998. On the one-hectare site with numerous
bushes, climbing frames, rocks and two ponds, our Barbary macaques can be observed from the visitor paths. In its homeland, the western Mediterranean: Algeria, Morocco and Gibraltar, the Barbary macaque is
classified as critically endangered. There has been a European Stud Book (ESB) since 2009, which
has been converted into a Conservation Breeding Program (EEP).
There are currently 15 animals living
in the Thuringian Zoopark Erfurt Anyone interested in sponsoring an animal should contact the Thuringian Zoopark Foundation:

Source: Thuringian Zoopark Erfurt