On Saturday, August 17th, the new special exhibition “Klaus Armbruster. Between the Pictures” opened in the Angermuseum Erfurt.

From painting back to painting

From painting to film and multimedia stage art to painting - this is how Klaus Armbruster's work biography could be briefly outlined.

Born in Tübingen in 1942, he studied at the Stuttgart State Academy of Fine Arts until 1967 and won the Youth Prize for Painting in 1968 with his expressive images. However, he gave up painting again in 1969 because he doubted its effectiveness in the conflicts of his time. He became a documentary filmmaker and TV editor and was eventually appointed professor of film and audiovisual media at the University of Essen. In 1994 he founded the Folkwang Institute for Media Design at the Zollverein Coal Mine. Armbruster has been painting again since 2006. This painting, figurative and meticulous in the details, shows a different measure of time: deceleration. It serves to reflect his life's work.

The comprehensive exhibition presents Armbruster's graphic and painterly works from the 1960s as well as paintings and image montages created since 2006. References to his films and media art productions from the years 1970 to 2005 are shown in a video cabinet. The artist has prepared his work in a book publication that is available for the exhibition.

At the opening, Prof. Dr. Kai Uwe Schierz, director of the Erfurt Art Museums, will introduce the show and the artist's work. Dr. Tobias J. Knoblich, Assistant Commissioner for Culture, Urban Development and World Heritage, and Carsten Feller, State Secretary for Economic Affairs, Universities, Tourism and Digital Affairs in the Thuringian Ministry for Economic Affairs, Science and Digital Society, will give greetings. The opening will be accompanied musically by Boyana Anatova.

Source: Press releases from the state capital Erfurt